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Master Data APIs
Integrating with Master Data APIs allows you to upload the master data like organization entities, suppliers, users etc.
Organization and Accounting data form an integral part of the core setup required to enable GEP SMART for customers. It is part of the access control configurations and form a reference master data element in the S2P transactions. The Organization API can be used to capture the organizational and accounting data from ERP to GEP SMART, along with the provisions for new, update, and delete actions.
The Payment Term interface APIs are used to accept master data translations for GEP SMART from the customer's ERP.
Users profile information forms an integral part of the core setup required to enable GEP SMART for the customers. The Contact API can be used to capture User Profile/HR information from ERP/HR systems into GEP SMART, along with the provisions for new, update, and delete actions.
GEP SMART has a comprehensive Vendor Management system and can act as a source for vendor data. Alternatively, the vendor data from ERP can be exported to GEP SMART using integrations, made available for S2P transactions. The Partner API can be used to post vendor data from ERP to GEP SMART and retrieve the vendor data from SMART by GEP to ERP. The Acknowledgment API allows capturing of the ERP processing status in GEP SMART, so that it can be displayed to the user along with comments, in case of failures.
GEP SMART allows capturing of the exchange rates for facilitating currency conversions in P2P transactions. The Currency API captures the latest exchange rate on an ongoing basis from a customer ERP or third-party system.
GEP SMART performs accounting code validations on P2P transactions to ensure that the items are billed to the appropriate accounting segments. The Code Combination API can be used to capture all the valid account code combinations from ERP into GEP SMART to perform necessary validations.
GEP SMART allows approval workflows with approval thresholds at Organization/Accounting entity level. The OrganizationManager API can be used to capture the Organization Entity Level Approval Data from ERP to GEP SMART with the provisions for new, update, and delete actions.
Ship to location refers to the address of the customer, where the goods will be delivered by the vendors. They are part of the reference master data element in the P2P transactions. The ShipToLocation API can be used to capture new additions, modifications, and deletions in Ship to Location Address master data from ERP into GEP SMART.
Bill to location refers to the address of the customer, where the invoices will be sent by the vendors. They are part of the reference master data element in the P2P transactions. The BillToLocation API can be used to capture new additions, modifications, and deletions in Bill to Location Address master data from ERP into GEP SMART.
GEP SMART validates the budget allocation at the organization entity level for the P2P documents to maintain budget compliance. The Budget Allocation API can be used to capture the budget allocations for an accounting element for a specific period, from ERP into GEP SMART, to perform the validations.
Tax Master can be structured in GEP SMART at the Order and Invoice level in the P2P transactions. This setup includes Tax Code, Tax Rate, and Jurisdiction Details. The Tax Master API can be used to capture new additions, modifications, and deletions in Tax master data from ERP into GEP SMART. It can then be used as a reference master data in Orders and Invoices.
General Ledger (GL) forms a core entity for defining the accounting in P2P transactions. Based on the business process, GL may be an independent entity and not a part of the Organization Entity. The General Ledger API can be used to capture the GL master data from ERP to GEP SMART for those business cases, where it acts as an independent entity.