This POST API allows pushing Invoice posted in ERP into GEP SMART for further processing.
URL Format: https://<Instance>/SmartInterfaceAPI/api/Invoice /InvoiceDetails
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Success Scenario - Request
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Success Scenario - Response
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"ShippingCharges": 0,
"AdditionalCharges": 0,
"CustomAttributes": []
"ItemLineNumber": 2,
"PoLineItemNumber": 2,
"Description": "wiufhiu",
"UnitPrice": 120,
"Quantity": 2,
"Uom": "EA",
"TotalAllowance": 0,
"OrderingLocation": {
"Id": 0,
"Number": ""
"ExternalTax": 0,
"ExternalTaxes": [],
"ItemType": "Material",
"ItemExtendedType": "Material",
"DocumentItemShippingDetails": [
"ShiptoLocation": {
"LocationNumber": "0000023617",
"Address": {
"Addressline1": "1 Trade ST",
"City": "Mariemont",
"ZipCode": "45227-4509",
"StateInfo": {
"StateName": "OH"
"CountryInfo": {
"CountryCode": "1",
"CountryName": "United States"
"CreatedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
"RegistrationDetails": []
"DelivertoLocation": {
"RegistrationDetails": []
"Efforts": 0,
"StartDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"EndDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"AdditionalCharges": 0,
"ShippingCharges": 0,
"Tax": 50,
"ItemTotalAmount": 240,
"SupplierPartId": "",
"Taxes": [],
"CustomAttributes": [],
"Comments": [
"CommentAttachment": []
"IsTaxExempt": false,
"AdjustmentType": 0,
"itemSplitsDetails": [
"documentSplitItemEntities": [
"EntityCode": "1460",
"EntityType": "Plant"
"EntityCode": "700",
"EntityType": "Material Group Level 1"
"EntityCode": "8202440",
"EntityType": "Material Group Level 2"
"EntityCode": "735450025",
"EntityType": "Material Group Level 3"
"SplitItemTotal": 240,
"Tax": 0,
"ShippingCharges": 0,
"AdditionalCharges": 0,
"CustomAttributes": []
Error Scenario - Response
"data": null,
"statusCode": "400",
"errorDetails": [
"key": "",
"errors": [
"errorCode": "MandatoryException",
"errorDescription": "There was an error in processing the Invoice as Operation is mandatory."
"successDetails": []
BasicDetails |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
DocumentName |
No |
String |
DocumentName |
DocumentNumber |
No |
String |
DocumentNumber |
DocumentStatus |
No |
String |
DocumentStatus |
DocumentDescription |
No |
String |
DocumentDescription |
DocumentCreator |
Yes |
String |
Client Contact Code |
CreatedOn |
No |
String |
Date Time of Document |
DocumentBu |
No |
List of OrgEntity |
DocumentBu |
No |
List of OrgEntity |
Document Lob Details |
operationName |
Yes |
String |
New / Update |
Invoice |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
IsMultiDocInvoice |
No |
Boolean |
IsMultiDocInvoice |
ScheduledPaymentDate |
No |
DateTime |
ScheduledPaymentDate |
Currency |
Yes |
String |
Currency |
ItemTotalAmount |
yes |
Decimal |
ItemTotalAmount |
Tax |
Yes |
Decimal |
Tax |
Shipping |
Yes |
String |
Shipping |
AdditionalCharges |
Yes |
DateTime |
AdditionalCharges |
Yes |
List of TaxesandCharge object |
TaxesAndCharges |
No |
List of InterfaceComment object |
Comments |
WorkOrderNumber |
No |
String |
WorkOrderNumber |
ErpOrderType |
No |
String |
ErpOrderType |
BudgetDescription |
No |
String |
BudgetDescription |
No |
List of PaymentTermsDetails object |
PaymentTermsDetails |
SupplierIdentificationValue |
No |
String |
SupplierIdentificationValue |
Yes |
List of CustomAttribute object |
CustomAttributes |
SourceSystemName |
No |
String |
SourceSystemName |
TotalAmount |
No |
Long |
TotalAmount |
TotalAllowance |
No |
Decimal |
TotalAllowance |
Billable |
No |
Boolean |
Billable |
PartnerInvoiceNumber |
Yes |
String |
PartnerInvoiceNumber |
PartnerName |
No |
String |
PartnerName |
PartnerInvoiceDate |
Yes |
Datetime |
PartnerInvoiceDate |
OrderNumber |
Yes |
String |
OrderNumber |
No |
List of InterfaceShiptoLocation object |
ShiptoLocation |
MatchStatus |
No |
String |
MatchStatus |
No |
List of InterfaceBilltoLocation object |
BilltoLocation |
InvoiceItems |
Yes |
List of InterfaceInvoiceItem object |
InvoiceItems |
supplierId |
No |
String |
supplierId |
OrderTotal |
No |
Decimal |
OrderTotal |
No |
List of FileDetail object |
FileDetail |
InvoiceOrigin |
Yes |
String |
InvoiceOrigin |
ReceivedDate |
No |
Datetime |
ReceivedDate |
InvoiceTotalAmount |
Yes |
Decimal |
InvoiceTotalAmount |
No |
List of InterfaceBuyerContact object |
OrderContactDetails |
No |
List of InterfaceLocation object |
OrderingLocation |
IsPCardSupported |
No |
Boolean |
IsPCardSupported |
InvoiceType |
No |
String |
InvoiceType |
PurchaseTypeDescription |
No |
String |
PurchaseTypeDescription |
BuyerVatNumber |
No |
String |
BuyerVatNumber |
IsMemo |
No |
Boolean |
IsMemo |
RemitToLocation |
Yes |
List of InterfaceLocation object |
RemitToLocation |
SupplierContact |
Yes |
List of InterfaceBuyerContact object |
SupplierContact |
BuyerContact |
List of InterfaceBuyerContact object |
BuyerContact |
ClientPartnerCode |
yes |
String |
ClientPartnerCode |
IsBackInvoice |
No |
Boolean |
IsBackInvoice |
IsLineLevelUpdate |
No |
Boolean |
IsLineLevelUpdate |
PaymentType |
No |
String |
PaymentType |
TaxesandCharges |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
TaxDescription |
No |
String |
TaxDescription |
TaxMode |
No |
Boolean |
TaxMode |
TaxValue |
No |
String |
TaxValue |
TaxPercentage |
No |
String |
TaxPercentage |
TaxCode |
No |
String |
TaxCode |
IsAccrueTax |
No |
String |
IsAccrueTax |
DefaultCurrencyCode |
No |
String |
DefaultCurrencyCode |
Comments |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
CommentText |
No |
String |
CommentText |
No |
List of InterfaceCommentAttachment object |
CommentAttachment |
CommentAttachment |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
FileName |
No |
String |
FileName |
FileUri |
No |
String |
FileUri |
PaymentTermsDetails |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
NoOfDays |
No |
Long |
NoOfDays |
Discount |
No |
Decimal |
Discount |
DiscountDays |
No |
Long |
DiscountDays |
PaymentTermCode |
No |
String |
PaymentTermCode |
PaymentTermName |
No |
String |
PaymentTermName |
IsDefault |
No |
Boolean |
IsDefault |
DocumentLobDetails |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
EntityDetailCode |
No |
String |
EntityDetailCode |
EntityCode |
No |
Boolean |
EntityCode |
EntityDisplayName |
No |
String |
EntityDisplayName |
EntityId |
No |
String |
EntityId |
ItemSplitsDetails |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
No |
List of InterfaceDocumentSplit ItemEntity object |
DocumentSplitItemEntities |
SplitItemTotal |
Yes |
Decimal |
SplitItemTotal |
Split Total for Item No: () cannot be negative |
Tax |
No |
Decimal |
Tax |
ShippingCharges |
yes |
Decimal |
ShippingCharges |
Shipping Charges cannot be negative |
AdditionalCharges |
Yes |
Decimal |
AdditionalCharges |
Additional Charges cannot be negative |
No |
List of CustomAttribute object |
CustomAttributes |
DocumentSplitItemEntities |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
EntityType |
No |
String |
EntityType |
EntityCode |
No |
String |
EntityCode |
EntityDisplayName |
No |
String |
EntityDisplayName |
CustomAttributes |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
QuestionnaireTitle |
No |
String |
QuestionnaireTitle |
No |
List of QuestionnaireResponse Value object |
QuestionnaireResponseValues |
QuestionNaireResponseValue |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
ChildQuestionSets |
No |
List of CustomAttribute object |
ChildQuestionSets |
ColumnText |
No |
String |
ColumnText |
ResponseValue |
No |
String |
ResponseValue |
RowId |
No |
String |
RowId |
ChargeDetails |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
ChargeName |
No |
String |
ChargeName |
ChargeDescription |
No |
String |
ChargeDescription |
IsAllowance |
No |
Boolean |
IsAllowance |
IsIncludeForTax |
No |
Boolean |
IsIncludeForTax |
IsEditableOnInvoice |
No |
Boolean |
IsEditableOnInvoice |
ShiptoLocation |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
ShiptoLocationName |
No |
String |
ShiptoLocationName |
ShiptoLocationNumber |
No |
String |
ShiptoLocationNumber |
No |
List of InterfaceAddress object |
Address |
TelephoneNumber |
No |
TelephoneNumber |
No |
List of PartnerWiseIdentification Detail object |
RegistrationDetails |
Address |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
IsdCode |
No |
String |
IsdCode |
PoBoxNumber |
No |
String |
PoBoxNumber |
County |
No |
String |
County |
FaxNo |
No |
String |
FaxNo |
MobileNo |
No |
String |
MobileNo |
ExtenstionNo2 |
No |
String |
ExtenstionNo2 |
PhoneNo2 |
No |
String |
PhoneNo2 |
GeoCode |
No |
String |
GeoCode |
ExtenstionNo1 |
No |
String |
ExtenstionNo1 |
CountryInfo |
No |
List of InterfaceCountryInfo object |
CountryInfo |
StateInfo |
No |
List of InterfaceStateInfo object |
StateInfo |
ZipCode |
No |
String |
ZipCode |
City |
No |
String |
City |
Addressline3 |
No |
String |
Addressline3 |
Addressline2 |
No |
String |
Addressline2 |
Addressline1 |
No |
String |
Addressline1 |
PhoneNo1 |
No |
String |
PhoneNo1 |
AreaCode |
No |
String |
AreaCode |
CountryInfo |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
CountryCode |
No |
String |
CountryCode |
CountryName |
No |
String |
CountryName |
StateInfo |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
StateAbbrevationCode |
No |
String |
StateAbbrevationCode |
StateName |
No |
String |
StateName |
RegistrationDetails |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
CompanyIdentificationDisplayName |
No |
String |
CompanyIdentificationDisplayName |
CompanyIdentification |
No |
String |
CompanyIdentification |
BilltoLocation |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
BilltoLocationName |
No |
String |
BilltoLocationName |
BilltoLocationNumber |
No |
String |
BilltoLocationNumber |
No |
List of InterfaceAddress object |
Address |
IsAdhoc |
No |
Boolean |
IsAdhoc |
No |
List of PartnerWiseIdentification Detail object |
RegistrationDetails |
InvoiceItems |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
ShippingCharges |
No |
Decimal |
ShippingCharges |
Tax |
No |
Decimal |
Tax |
ItemTotalAmount |
No |
Decimal |
ItemTotalAmount |
Billable |
No |
String |
Billable |
ItemLineNumber |
No |
Long |
ItemLineNumber |
SupplierPartId |
No |
String |
SupplierPartId |
SupplierPartAuxiliaryId |
No |
String |
SupplierPartAuxiliaryId |
No |
List of TaxesandCharge object |
Taxes |
No |
List of CustomAttribute object |
CustomAttributes |
No |
List of InterfaceComment object |
Comments |
MatchType |
No |
String |
MatchType |
IsTaxExempt |
No |
Boolean |
IsTaxExempt |
FulfilmentDocumentNumber |
No |
String |
FulfilmentDocumentNumber |
FulfilmentDocumentType |
No |
String |
FulfilmentDocumentType |
FulfillmentDocumentLineNumber |
No |
String |
FulfillmentDocumentLineNumber |
AdditionalCharges |
No |
Decimal |
AdditionalCharges |
ClientCategoryId |
No |
String |
ClientCategoryId |
EndDate |
No |
DateTime |
EndDate |
Efforts |
No |
Decimal |
Efforts |
ItemStatus |
No |
String |
ItemStatus |
No |
List of ItemSplitsDetail object |
ItemSplitsDetails |
PoLineItemNumber |
No |
Long |
PoLineItemNumber |
TotalAllowance |
No |
Decimal |
TotalAllowance |
OrderNumber |
No |
String |
OrderNumber |
No |
OrderingLocation object |
OrderingLocation |
ExternalTax |
No |
Decimal |
ExternalTax |
No |
List of ExternalTax object |
ExternalTaxes |
Description |
String |
Description |
UnitPrice |
Yes |
Decimal |
UnitPrice |
Quantity |
Yes |
Decimal |
Quantity |
Uom |
Yes |
String |
Uom |
StandardUom |
No |
String |
StandardUom |
ManufacturerPartNumber |
No |
String |
ManufacturerPartNumber |
ItemType |
No |
String |
ItemType |
ItemExtendedType |
No |
String |
ItemExtendedType |
No |
List of InterfaceDocumentItemShippingDetail object |
DocumentItemShippingDetails |
StartDate |
No |
DateTime |
StartDate |
AdjustmentType |
No |
Int |
AdjustmentType |
ExternalTaxes |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
TaxCode |
No |
String |
TaxCode |
TaxType |
No |
String |
TaxType |
TaxMode |
No |
String |
TaxMode |
TaxValue |
No |
Decimal |
TaxValue |
TaxRate |
No |
Decimal |
TaxRate |
AuthorityName |
No |
String |
AuthorityName |
No |
InterfaceAddress object |
TaxAddress |
LocationCode |
No |
String |
LocationCode |
TaxRateCode |
No |
String |
TaxRateCode |
EffectiveTaxLevel |
No |
String |
EffectiveTaxLevel |
OfficialName |
No |
String |
OfficialName |
TaxBase |
No |
String |
TaxBase |
DocumentItemShippingDetail |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
ShiptoLocation |
No |
InterfaceShiptoLocation object |
ShiptoLocation |
No |
InterfaceDelivertoLocation object |
DelivertoLocation |
ShippingMethod |
No |
string |
ShippingMethod |
DelivertoLocation |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
DelivertoLocationName |
No |
string |
DelivertoLocationName |
DelivertoLocationNumber |
No |
string |
DelivertoLocationNumber |
No |
InterfaceAddress Object |
Address |
DeliverTo |
No |
string |
DeliverTo |
No |
List of PartnerWiseIdentification Detail object |
RegistrationDetails |
FileDetail |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
FileName |
No |
String |
FileName |
FileUri |
No |
String |
FileUri |
AttachmentData |
No |
String |
AttachmentData |
OrderContactDetails |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
No |
InterfaceAddress object |
Address |
ClientContactCode |
No |
String |
ClientContactCode |
EmailAddress |
No |
String |
EmailAddress |
FirstName |
No |
String |
FirstName |
LastName |
No |
String |
LastName |
OrderingLocation |
Property |
Required? |
Data type |
Description |
Validations/Exceptions |
LocationName |
No |
String |
LocationName |
No |
Interface Address Object |
Address |
ClientLocationCode |
No |
String |
ClientLocationCode |