This GET API allows retrieval of Service Confirmation details created in GEP QUANTUM to post them into ERP.
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
exception | no | stringing |
data | Yes | scHeader | Contains schema of the document |
hasData | Yes | Booleanean |
hasException | yes | booleanean |
| ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
_id | Yes | STRING |
isBaseCurrency | Yes | BOOLEAN |
isApprovalInProgress | Yes | BOOLEAN | Tells if approval is still in progress |
hasPoSublines | Yes | BOOLEAN |
isblank | Yes | BOOLEAN | Tells if a document is created as blank or from a source document |
isDocumentEditable | Yes | BOOLEAN |
isCorrectSCVersion | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether the service confirmation (SC) is a corrected version. |
mandatoryCheckPassed | Yes | BOOLEAN |
refreshRequired | Yes | BOOLEAN |
taxType | Yes | STRING | Indicates Whether tax can be added at header or line level |
creationSourceType | Yes | STRING | Indicates whether service confirmation is created from UI or inbound etc; |
supplierConfirmationNumber | Yes | STRING |
submittedOn | Yes | STRING | Date when document is submitted |
eRS | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether invoiced created from sc is of ers based |
documentNumber | Yes | STRING | Unique Number of the SC Document |
documentName | Yes | STRING | Name of the SC Document |
documentId | Yes | Guid | Unique Id to the SC Document |
createdOn | Yes | DateTime | Date when document got created |
documentStatusChangedDate | Yes | STRING |
modifiedOn | Yes | STRING | Date when document got modified last |
taxTotal | Yes | INTEGER | Contains total tax of the document |
isDeleted | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether the document is deleted or not |
version | Yes | STRING |
totalSCAmount | Yes | Double | Stores the total amount the document |
lineSubTotal | Yes | Double | Stores the total amount of document without tax |
scHeaderId | Yes | Guid | Unique Guid of the document |
invoiceId | Yes | STRING |
approvedOn | Yes | STRING | Date when document got approved |
origin | Yes | INTEGER | Indicates whether documents are created from supplier or buyer |
shipToSite | Yes | STRING | Address where material is delivered, or service is performed |
shipFromSite | Yes | STRING | Address of the supplier |
orderSubType | Yes | STRING | Stores the type of order from which Service Confirmation is created like indirect order etc.; |
orderSubTypeAppId | Yes | STRING |
cancelledOn | Yes | DateTime | Date Time when document got cancelled |
parentDocumentId | Yes | STRING |
documentVersionNumber | Yes | STRING |
actionType | Yes | STRING |
clickIdentifier | Yes | STRING |
unRoundedTotalSCAmount | Yes | Decimal | Stores Total amount of Service Confirmation document without rounding |
conversionFactor | Yes | Decimal | Contains Conversion factor used to convert total SC Amount from document currency to base currency |
conversionFactorEffectiveDate | Yes | STRING | Stores the date at which the conversion factor is saved in document |
baseCurrencyDocumentTotal | Yes | DECIMAL | Stores Total SC Amount in base currency |
baseCurrency | Yes | STRING | Stores base currency of the document |
sourceAppId | Yes | STRING |
serviceConfirmationReferenceNumber | Yes | STRING |
documentType | Yes | STRING |
serviceDate | Yes | STRING |
rootDocumentId | Yes | Guid | Contains documentId of document from which correct SC is created, Empty which SC is not correct SC corrected Service Confirmation is created |
errorMessage | Yes | STRING |
headerTax | Yes | decimal | Contains Tax total of document if tax is calculated at header level, else 0 |
erpNumber | Yes | STRING |
workTicketNumber | Yes | STRING |
originatingSourceSystem | Yes | STRING |
fulfillmentDocumentDetails | Yes | Fulfillmentdocumentdetails Array Schema | Contains the source document details from which Service Confirmation is created | Foreign Key |
orderDetails | Yes | Orderdetails Schema | Contains order details from which Service Confirmation is created | Foreign Key |
purchaseType | Yes | Purchasetype Schema | Foreign Key | |
lobDetails | Yes | ARRAY |
adhocApprover | Yes | Adhocapprover Array Schema | Contains Details of Adhoc approver of the document | Foreign Key |
documentStatus | Yes | Documentstatus Schema | Contains the status the document is present in | Foreign Key |
fieldSupervisor | Yes | Fieldsupervisor Array Schema | Contains the details of field supervisors who can approve the document | Foreign Key |
supplierDetails | Yes | Supplierdetails Schema | Contains details of the supplier user who created the document | Foreign Key |
attachments | Yes | ARRAY |
additionalApprover | Yes | ARRAY | Contains the details of the additional approvers who must approve the document |
submittedBy | Yes | User Details Schema | Contains details of the user who submitted the document | Foreign Key |
modifiedBy | Yes | User Details Schema | Contains details of the user who modified the document last | Foreign Key |
notesAndLinks | Yes | ARRAY |
createdBy | Yes | User Details Schema | Contains details of the user who created the Service Confirmation | Foreign Key |
currency | Yes | Currency Schema | Contains all the Currency details of the document | Foreign Key |
approverDetails | Yes | Approverdetails Array Schema | Contains details of the users who all should approve the document | Foreign Key |
delegatedUsers | Yes | ARRAY |
serviceType | Yes | Servicetype Schema | Reference to serviceType schema | Foreign Key |
delegatedUsersApproved | Yes | ARRAY |
reassignedUserOriginal | Yes | ARRAY |
reassignedUserNew | Yes | ARRAY |
integererfaceHeaderStatus | Yes | Integererfaceheaderstatus Schema | Contains ERP status of the Document | Foreign Key |
cancelledBy | Yes | User Details Schema | Contains details of the user who cancelled the document | Foreign Key |
summaryCards | Yes | Summarycards Schema | - | Foreign Key |
businessUnit | Yes | Businessunit Array Schema | Contains all organization entities the document Is part of | Foreign Key |
sourceDocumentDetails | Yes | Sourcedocumentdetails Schema | Contains all the details source document from which Service Confirmation is created | Foreign Key |
invoicingStatus | Yes | Invoicingstatus Schema | Indicates whether Service Confirmation is Fully Invoiced or Partially Invoiced or Not Invoiced at all | Foreign Key |
customAttributes | Yes | Customattributes Schema | - | Foreign Key |
orderingLocationAddress | Yes | Orderinglocationaddress Schema | Foreign Key | |
supplierOrderingLocation | Yes | Supplierorderinglocation Schema | Foreign Key | |
groupDetails | Yes | ARRAY | Contains the details of the group that should approve the document |
documentDuplicationDetails | Yes | Documentduplicationdetails Schema | - | Foreign Key |
type | Yes | Type Schema | Foreign Key | |
shipTo | Yes | Shipto Schema | Contains where the services are performed | Foreign Key |
shipFrom | Yes | Shipfrom Schema | Contains address details of supplier organization | Foreign Key |
billTo | Yes | Billto Schema | - | Foreign Key |
remitTo | Yes | Remitto Schema | - | Foreign Key |
stakeholders | Yes | Stakeholders Array Schema | Contains all users that are part of the document | Foreign Key |
errorDetails | Yes | ARRAY |
taxItems | Yes | ARRAY | Contains taxes with their associated tax codes |
auditFields | Yes | Auditfields Schema | Foreign Key | |
scItems | Yes | Scitems Array Schema | List of all services, materials | Foreign Key |
operation | Yes | STRING |
gepServiceConfirmationURL | Yes | STRING | Gep URL of the service confirmation document |
fulfillmentDocumentDetails | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
fulfillmentUniqueReferenceNumber | Yes | STRING | Document number of source document |
fulfillmentDocumentType | Yes | INTEGER |
fulfillmentDocumentNumber | Yes | STRING | Unique number of fulfillment document |
fulfillmentDocumentName | Yes | STRING |
fulfillmentDocumentId | Yes | Guid | Unique Id of fulfillment document |
fulfillmentDocumentSubType | Yes | STRING |
fulfillmentDocumentSubTypeAppId | Yes | STRING |
orderDetails | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
supplierTaxIdentificationNumber | Yes | STRING |
orderNumber | Yes | STRING |
orderName | Yes | STRING |
orderId | Yes | STRING |
startDate | Yes | DateTime | Start date of the service order |
endDate | Yes | DateTime | End date of the service order |
lineNumber | Yes | STRING | Line number from which Service Confirmation is created |
lineId | Yes | Guid | Unique Iine Id of Po document from which service confirmation is created |
rootDocumentId | Yes | Guid |
rootLineId | Yes | Guid |
erpNumber | Yes | STRING |
erpLineNumber | Yes | STRING |
purchaseType | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
appCodeId | Yes | INTEGER |
clientCode | Yes | STRING |
codeType | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
description | Yes | STRING |
id | Yes | STRING |
name | Yes | STRING |
source | Yes | STRING |
status | Yes | STRING |
version | Yes | INTEGER |
adhocApprover | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
contactCode | Yes | INTEGER | GEP Unique Contact Code |
emailAddress | Yes | STRING |
firstName | Yes | STRING |
lastName | Yes | STRING |
typeOfUser | Yes | INTEGER |
userId | Yes | INTEGER | GEP User Id |
userName | Yes | STRING | GEP User Name |
documentStatus | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
id | Yes | Guid |
code | Yes | INTEGER | Indicates the status of the document service confirmation is present in |
name | Yes | STRING | Indicates the status of the document service confirmation is present in |
culture | Yes | STRING |
version | Yes | INTEGER |
FieldSupervisor Schema | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isReassigned | Yes | BOOLEAN |
clientContactCode | Yes | STRING |
firstName | Yes | STRING |
lastName | Yes | STRING |
contactCode | Yes | INTEGER |
emailAddress | Yes | STRING |
userId | Yes | INTEGER | GEP Unique user id |
fullName | Yes | STRING |
supplierDetails (Contains the supplier details of the supplier who service confirmation created document)
supplierDetails (Contains the supplier details of the supplier who service confirmation created document)
| ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
supplierPartnerCode | Yes | STRING |
clientPartnerCode | Yes | STRING |
smartPartnerCode | Yes | INTEGER |
supplierContactRole | Yes | STRING |
supplierFax | Yes | STRING |
supplierPhone | Yes | STRING |
supplierStatus | Yes | STRING |
supplierName | Yes | STRING |
supplierContactCode | Yes | INTEGER |
supplierEmailAddress | Yes | STRING |
User Details Schema | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isReassigned | Yes | BOOLEAN |
clientContactCode | Yes | STRING |
firstName | Yes | STRING |
lastName | Yes | STRING |
companyName | Yes | STRING |
contactCode | Yes | INTEGER |
createdBy | Yes | STRING |
createdOn | No | DATETIME |
cultureCode | Yes | STRING |
defaultCurrencyCode | Yes | STRING |
emailAddress | Yes | STRING |
mobileNo | Yes | STRING |
timeZone | Yes | STRING |
userId | Yes | INTEGER |
userName | Yes | STRING |
typeOfUser | Yes | INTEGER |
fullName | Yes | STRING |
currency | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
code | Yes | STRING | Currency Code like USD, INR |
countryCodes | Yes | STRING |
name | Yes | STRING |
symbol | Yes | STRING |
preferenceOrder | Yes | INTEGER |
version | Yes | INTEGER |
isActive | Yes | BOOLEAN |
createdBy | Yes | INTEGER |
createdOn | Yes | STRING |
mappingCountries | Yes | STRING |
approverDetails | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
approvalStatus | Yes | STRING |
approvers | Yes | Approvers Schema | Reference to approvers schema | Foreign Key |
serviceType | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
appCodeId | Yes | INTEGER |
clientCode | Yes | STRING |
codeType | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
description | Yes | STRING |
id | Yes | STRING |
name | Yes | STRING |
source | Yes | STRING |
status | Yes | STRING |
version | Yes | INTEGER |
integererfaceHeaderStatus | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
errorMessage | Yes | STRING |
createdOn | Yes | STRING |
erpNumber | Yes | STRING |
modifiedOn | Yes | STRING |
status | Yes | INTEGER | Contains ERP status of the Service Confirmation Document |
name | Yes | STRING |
cancelledBy | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isReassigned | Yes | BOOLEAN |
clientContactCode | Yes | STRING |
firstName | Yes | STRING |
lastName | Yes | STRING |
companyName | Yes | STRING |
contactCode | Yes | INTEGER |
createdBy | Yes | STRING |
createdOn | Yes | STRING |
cultureCode | Yes | STRING |
defaultCurrencyCode | Yes | STRING |
emailAddress | Yes | STRING |
mobileNo | Yes | STRING |
timeZone | Yes | STRING |
userId | Yes | INTEGER |
userName | Yes | STRING |
typeOfUser | Yes | INTEGER |
fullName | Yes | STRING |
summaryCards | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
approverDetails | Yes | STRING |
lastApprover | Yes | STRING |
pendingWith | Yes | STRING |
pendingSince | Yes | STRING |
totalInvoicedAmount | Yes | INTEGER |
totalCreditedAmount | Yes | INTEGER |
amountToBeInvoiced | Yes | INTEGER |
requestor | Yes | STRING |
approvalDuration | Yes | STRING |
approvedBy | Yes | STRING |
pendingUsers | Yes | Pendingusers Array Schema | Array of pendingUsers schema | Foreign Key |
skippedUsers | Yes | ARRAY |
approvedUsers | Yes | Approvedusers Array Schema | Array of approvedUsers schema | Foreign Key |
| ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
displayName | Yes | STRING |
entityCode | Yes | STRING | Entity Code of the organization entity |
entityDetailCode | Yes | INTEGER | Entity Detail Code of the organization entity |
entityName | Yes | STRING | Entity Name of the organization entity |
entityType | Yes | STRING |
lobCode | Yes | STRING |
lobName | Yes | STRING |
parentEntityCode | Yes | STRING | Parent Entity Code of the organization entity |
parentEntityDetailCode | Yes | INTEGER | Parent Entity Detail Code of the organization entity |
parentOrgEntityDetails | Yes | Parentorgentitydetails Array Schema | Contains all the parent organization entity details, depends on the organization structure of the company | Foreign Key |
sourceDocumentDetails | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isSmartDocument | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether source document is in SMART platform or quantum platform |
rootDocumentId | Yes | Guid |
documentNumber | Yes | STRING |
documentName | Yes | STRING | Unique Document name of source document |
documentId | Yes | Guid | Unique Document Id of source document |
documentSubTypeAppId | Yes | STRING |
documentSubTypeAppName | Yes | STRING |
documentType | Yes | INTEGER |
creationType | Yes | STRING |
creationTypeId | Yes | INTEGER |
isMultiSourceDocument | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether service confirmation is created from multiple source documents |
documentTypeName | Yes | STRING |
erpNumber | Yes | STRING |
documentDetails | Yes | Documentdetails Array Schema | Array of documentDetails schema | Foreign Key |
invoicingStatus (Contains information about the invoicing status of the document) | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
code | Yes | INTEGER |
name | Yes | STRING | Indicates whether document is fully or partially invoiced |
customAttributes | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
scSourceSupportNumber | Yes | STRING |
name | Yes | STRING |
workDescription | Yes | STRING |
localReferenceNumber | Yes | STRING |
workLocation | Yes | STRING |
externalId | Yes | STRING |
retainage | Yes | STRING |
voucherGlDate | Yes | STRING |
orderExchangeRate | Yes | STRING |
voucherExchangeRate | Yes | STRING |
voucherReceivedOnDate | Yes | STRING |
exchangeRate | Yes | STRING |
paymentTermBaselineDate | Yes | STRING |
universalUniqueIdentifierUuid | Yes | STRING |
modifiedSupplierServiceConfirmationNumber | Yes | STRING |
scSupplierInvoiceDate | Yes | STRING |
modifiedWorkTicketNumber | Yes | STRING |
associatedInvoiceNumber | Yes | STRING |
gloffset | Yes | STRING |
aoaAmount | Yes | STRING |
aoaDocument | Yes | STRING |
bankSiteCode | Yes | STRING |
basicDetailWorkTicketNumber | Yes | STRING |
originatingSystem | Yes | Originatingsystem Schema | Reference to originatingSystem schema | Foreign Key |
invoiceType | Yes | Invoicetype Schema | Reference to invoiceType schema | Foreign Key |
vendorType | Yes | Vendortype Schema | Reference to vendorType schema | Foreign Key |
autocreateVoucher | Yes | Autocreatevoucher Schema | Reference to autocreateVoucher schema | Foreign Key |
purchasingTaxable | Yes | Purchasingtaxable Schema | Reference to purchasingTaxable schema | Foreign Key |
taxRateArea | Yes | Taxratearea Schema | Reference to taxRateArea schema | Foreign Key |
taxExplCode | Yes | Taxexplcode Schema | Reference to taxExplCode schema | Foreign Key |
abCatCode07 | Yes | Abcatcode07 Schema | Reference to abCatCode07 schema | Foreign Key |
aoaStatus | Yes | Aoastatus Schema | Reference to aoaStatus schema | Foreign Key |
integerercompany | Yes | Integerercompany Schema | Reference to integerercompany schema | Foreign Key |
localSupplier | Yes | Localsupplier Schema | Reference to localSupplier schema | Foreign Key |
scHeaderExpediter | Yes | Scheaderexpediter Schema | Reference to scHeaderExpediter schema | Foreign Key |
orderingLocationAddress (Indicates Buyer Ordering Location details flipped from Purchase Order) | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
addressCode | Yes | STRING |
contactEmail | Yes | STRING |
contactName | Yes | STRING |
contactPhone | Yes | STRING |
locationId | Yes | Guid |
locationName | Yes | STRING |
locationNumber | Yes | STRING |
locationOrgEntityCode | Yes | STRING |
partyCode | Yes | STRING |
addressInfo | Yes | Addressinfo Schema | Reference to addressInfo schema | Foreign Key |
locationOrgEntity | Yes | Locationorgentity Schema | Reference to locationOrgEntity schema | Foreign Key |
supplierOrderingLocation | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isAdhoc | Yes | BOOLEAN |
addressCode | Yes | STRING |
contactEmail | Yes | STRING |
contactPhone | Yes | STRING |
contactName | Yes | STRING |
locationId | Yes | Guid |
locationName | Yes | STRING |
locationNumber | Yes | STRING |
locationOrgEntityCode | Yes | STRING |
addressInfo | Yes | Addressinfo Schema | Reference to addressInfo schema | Foreign Key |
tradingPartnerType | Yes | Tradingpartnertype Schema | Reference to tradingPartnerType schema | Foreign Key |
locationOrgEntity | Yes | Locationorgentity Schema | Reference to locationOrgEntity schema | Foreign Key |
documentDuplicationDetails | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isDuplicate | Yes | BOOLEAN |
duplicationDetails | Yes | Duplicationdetails Array Schema | Array of duplicationDetails schema | Foreign Key |
type | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
code | Yes | INTEGER |
name | Yes | STRING |
shipTo (Cantains the details of Where services are offered) | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isAdhoc | Yes | BOOLEAN |
addressCode | Yes | STRING |
contactEmail | Yes | STRING |
contactPhone | Yes | STRING |
contactName | Yes | STRING |
locationId | Yes | Guid |
locationName | Yes | STRING |
locationNumber | Yes | STRING |
locationOrgEntityCode | Yes | STRING |
addressInfo | Yes | Addressinfo Schema | Reference to addressInfo schema | Foreign Key |
tradingPartnerType | Yes | Tradingpartnertype Schema | Reference to tradingPartnerType schema | Foreign Key |
locationOrgEntity | Yes | Locationorgentity Schema | Reference to locationOrgEntity schema | Foreign Key |
shipFrom | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isAdhoc | Yes | BOOLEAN |
addressCode | Yes | STRING |
contactEmail | Yes | STRING |
contactPhone | Yes | STRING |
contactName | Yes | STRING |
locationId | Yes | Guid |
locationName | Yes | STRING |
locationNumber | Yes | STRING |
locationOrgEntityCode | Yes | STRING | Contains org entity code of supplier org |
addressInfo | Yes | Addressinfo Schema | Contains all the address details | Foreign Key |
tradingPartnerType | Yes | Tradingpartnertype Schema | Reference to tradingPartnerType schema | Foreign Key |
locationOrgEntity | Yes | Locationorgentity Schema | Reference to locationOrgEntity schema | Foreign Key |
billTo | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isAdhoc | Yes | BOOLEAN |
addressCode | Yes | STRING |
contactEmail | Yes | STRING |
contactPhone | Yes | STRING |
contactName | Yes | STRING |
locationId | Yes | guid |
locationName | Yes | STRING |
locationNumber | Yes | STRING |
locationOrgEntityCode | Yes | STRING |
addressInfo | Yes | Addressinfo Schema | Reference to addressInfo schema | Foreign Key |
tradingPartnerType | Yes | Tradingpartnertype Schema | Reference to tradingPartnerType schema | Foreign Key |
locationOrgEntity | Yes | Locationorgentity Schema | Reference to locationOrgEntity schema | Foreign Key |
remitTo | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isAdhoc | Yes | BOOLEAN |
addressCode | Yes | STRING |
contactEmail | Yes | STRING |
contactPhone | Yes | STRING |
contactName | Yes | STRING |
locationId | Yes | guid |
locationName | Yes | STRING |
locationNumber | Yes | STRING |
locationOrgEntityCode | Yes | STRING |
addressInfo | Yes | Addressinfo Schema | Reference to addressInfo schema | Foreign Key |
tradingPartnerType | Yes | Tradingpartnertype Schema | Reference to tradingPartnerType schema | Foreign Key |
locationOrgEntity | Yes | Locationorgentity Schema | Reference to locationOrgEntity schema | Foreign Key |
stakeholders | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
stakeholdersId | Yes | STRING |
stakeholder | Yes | Stakeholder Schema | Reference to stakeholder schema | Foreign Key |
stakeholderContactCode | Yes | STRING | Unique GEP Code to identify user |
stakeholderTypeName | Yes | STRING | Indicates Like whether a stake holder is viewer, approver or creator |
stakeholdertypeId | Yes | INTEGER |
stakeholderGroupId | Yes | INTEGER |
stakeholderGroupName | Yes | STRING |
addedBy | Yes | User Details Schema | Contains details of user who added the stakeholder | Foreign Key |
auditFields | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
createdBy | Yes | STRING |
createdDateTime | Yes | STRING |
modifiedBy | Yes | STRING |
modifiedDateTime | Yes | STRING |
transactionScopeId | Yes | STRING |
ver | Yes | INTEGER |
scItems | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
_id | Yes | STRING | Mongo unique id |
accountingDetails | Yes | Accountingdetails Schema | - | Foreign Key |
auditFields | Yes | Auditfields Schema | Reference to auditFields schema | Foreign Key |
baseCurrencyLineTotal | Yes | DECIMAL | Line Total in base currency |
breadth | Yes | INTEGER |
buyerItemNumber | Yes | STRING |
category | Yes | Category Schema | Refers to category that item belongs to | Foreign Key |
closedForReceiving | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether PO is closed for receiving or not |
comments | Yes | STRING |
compliantStatus | Yes | STRING | Refers to compliant status of price book item |
consumedDate | No | DATETIME | Indicates date on which a material is consumed |
contractNumber | Yes | STRING | Contains Contract number from which items are used |
contractedSubline | Yes | decimal | Contains the total contracted line total of all price book catalog sublines |
createdBy | Yes | Createdby Schema | User details of who created line | Foreign Key |
createdOn | Yes | DateTime | Date on which line is created |
customAttributes | Yes | Customattributes Schema | Reference to customAttributes schema | Foreign Key |
discountPercentage | Yes | INTEGER |
documentId | Yes | STRING | Contains Service Confirmation Unique documentId which this item(line) is part of |
documentName | Yes | STRING | Contains Service Confirmation documentName which this item(line) is part of |
documentNumber | Yes | STRING | Contains Service Confirmation documentNumber which this item(line) is part of |
documentStatus | Yes | Documentstatus Schema | Refers to document status the document is present in | Foreign Key |
erpLineNumber | Yes | STRING |
errorDetails | Yes | ARRAY |
errorMessage | Yes | STRING |
fulfillmentDocumentLineDetails | Yes | Fulfillmentdocumentlinedetails Array Schema | Array of fulfillmentDocumentLineDetails schema | Foreign Key |
height | Yes | INTEGER |
integererfaceLineStatus | Yes | Integererfacelinestatus Schema | Indicates the ERP Status the Service Confirmation document is in | Foreign Key |
integerernalLineNumber | Yes | INTEGER |
isCancelled | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates if a document is cancelled |
isDeleted | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates if a line is deleted from the document |
isFlexibleConsumption | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates if flexible consumption is allowed for added price book line in service confirmation document |
isFlexiblePriceEnabled | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates if flexible consumption is allowed for added price book line in service confirmation document |
isItemPriceBookCompliant | Yes | BOOLEAN |
isPriceBookItem | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates if a line is added from pricebook or it is a non-catalog line (manual line) |
isSublineFlippedFromPO | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates if a subline is flipped from PO or is created on service confirmation document |
itemLevel | Yes | INTEGER | Indicates if a line is a parent line or subline |
itemName | Yes | STRING | Name of the Item |
itemNumber | Yes | STRING | Number of the Item |
itemSource | Yes | Itemsource Schema | Reference to itemSource schema | Foreign Key |
length | Yes | INTEGER |
lineDescription | Yes | STRING | Description of the line item |
lineId | Yes | Decimal | Unique Id of the line |
lineNumber | Yes | Integer | Unique line Id in a service confirmation document |
lineSubTotal | Yes | Decimal | Total Amount of the Line excluding taxes |
lineTotal | Yes | Decimal | Total Amount of the line Including Taxes |
lineTotalCurrency | Yes | INTEGER |
lineType | Yes | Linetype Schema | Indicates whether a line is service based or material type | Foreign Key |
lineValue | Yes | INTEGER |
manufacturerItemModel | Yes | STRING |
manufacturerItemNumber | Yes | STRING |
manufacturerName | Yes | STRING |
manufacturerPartNumber | Yes | STRING |
modifiedBy | Yes | Modifiedby Schema | Reference to modifiedBy schema | Foreign Key |
modifiedOn | Yes | DateTime |
nonContractedSubline | Yes | decimal | Contains Total Amount of all manual sublines of a parent line |
orderDetails | Yes | Orderdetails Schema | Reference to orderDetails schema | Foreign Key |
orderedAmount | Yes | Decimal |
orderedPrice | Yes | Decimal |
orderedQuantity | Yes | Decimal |
parentLineId | Yes | Guid | Contains parent line id the subline belongs to, will be empty for parent line |
parentLineReferenceNumber | Yes | STRING |
parent_id | Yes | Guid |
previouslyReceived | Yes | INTEGER |
priceBasis | Yes | Pricebasis Schema | Indicates whether line is amount based, rate based or quantity based | Foreign Key |
priceBookLineDetails | Yes | Pricebooklinedetails Schema | contains price book details of the price book catalog line added | Foreign Key |
pricePer | Yes | INTEGER |
quantity | Yes | decimal | Contains how many quantities of item consumed |
remaining | Yes | Decimal |
requestor | Yes | Requestor Schema | Refers to requestor who is flipped from Purchase Order | Foreign Key |
rootLineId | Yes | guid |
root_id | Yes | guid |
roundedPriceBookUnitprice | Yes | decimal | Contains Unit Price of Price Book Catalog Item from Contract |
scHeaderId | Yes | Guid | Contains unique guid of the document the line is part of |
scHeader_documentId | Yes | guid | Contains unique guid of the document the line is part of |
serviceEndDate | Yes | DateTime | Contains the start of the service used |
serviceName | Yes | STRING |
serviceStartDate | Yes | DateTime | Contains Date Until which the service is used |
shipFrom | Yes | Shipfrom Schema | Contains address details from where delivery happened( details of supplier address) | Foreign Key |
shipFromAddress | Yes | Shipfromaddress Schema | Foreign Key | |
shipTo | Yes | Shipto Schema | Contains address where services are performed | Foreign Key |
shipToAddress | Yes | Shiptoaddress Schema | Foreign Key | |
sourceAppId | Yes | STRING |
sourceDocumentLineDetails | Yes | Sourcedocumentlinedetails Schema | Contains Line details of document from where service confirmation is created | Foreign Key |
spendContractNumber | Yes | STRING | Contains contract number from where the user chooses the price book catalog lines |
splitItems | Yes | Splititems Array Schema | Contains the split details of the lines like which all the accounting entities the line is split for | Foreign Key |
sublineReferenceNumber | Yes | STRING |
supplierItemNumber | Yes | STRING |
supplierPersonnelName | Yes | STRING |
tax | Yes | decimal | Total Tax of the line |
taxDescription | Yes | STRING | - |
taxItems | Yes | ARRAY | Contains all the tazes with their respective tax codes |
totalCreditAmount | Yes | Decimal | Contains how much amount is in credit line |
totalCreditQuantity | Yes | Decimal | Contains how much quantity is in credit line |
totalInvoicedAmount | Yes | Decimal | Contains how much amount is invoiced in the service confirmation document line |
totalInvoicedQuantity | Yes | Decimal | Contains how muchquantity is invoiced in the service confirmation document line |
totalReceivedAmount | Yes | Decimal | Contains how much amount is received for order line when this particular sc is created |
totalReceivedQuantity | Yes | Decimal | Contains how much amount is received for order line when this particular sc is created |
unRoundedLineTotal | Yes | decimal | Contains total amount of line without rounding of |
unRoundedPriceBookUnitprice | Yes | INTEGER | Contains unit price of price book line from contract without rounding of |
unRoundedUnitPrice | Yes | INTEGER | Contains unit price user adds without rounding of |
unitPrice | Yes | INTEGER | Contains unit price user adds in rounded form |
uom | Yes | Uom Schema | Refers to the Unit of measure of the particular line | Foreign Key |
Integerernal Schema - Approvers | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
contactCode | Yes | INTEGER |
emailAddress | Yes | STRING |
firstName | Yes | STRING |
lastName | Yes | STRING |
typeOfUser | Yes | INTEGER |
userId | Yes | INTEGER |
userName | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Pendingusers | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
contactCode | Yes | INTEGER |
emailAddress | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Approvedusers | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
contactCode | Yes | INTEGER |
emailAddress | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Parentorgentitydetails | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
entityCode | Yes | STRING |
entityName | Yes | STRING |
entityDetailCode | Yes | INTEGER |
level | Yes | INTEGER |
entityType | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Documentdetails | ||||
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
fulfillmentUniqueReferenceNumber | Yes | STRING |
documentName | Yes | STRING |
documentNumber | Yes | STRING |
documentId | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Originatingsystem
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
InvoicingStaus( Contains whether the document is fully invoiced or partically invoiced)
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Vendortype
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Autocreatevoucher
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Purchasingtaxable
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Taxratearea
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Taxexplcode
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Abcatcode07
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Aoastatus
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Integerercompany
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Localsupplier
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
name | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Scheaderexpediter
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
culture | Yes | STRING |
displayName | Yes | STRING |
entityCode | Yes | STRING |
entityDetailDescription | Yes | STRING |
entityDetailName | Yes | STRING |
entityId | Yes | INTEGER |
entityName | Yes | STRING |
entityType | Yes | STRING |
id | Yes | STRING |
level | Yes | INTEGER |
lobCode | Yes | STRING |
lobName | Yes | STRING |
parentEntity | Yes | STRING |
parentEntityCode | Yes | STRING |
version | Yes | STRING |
entityDetailCode | Yes | INTEGER |
parentEntityDetailCode | Yes | INTEGER |
errorMessage | Yes | STRING |
errorDetails | Yes | Errordetails Array Schema | Array of errorDetails schema | Foreign Key |
Integerernal Schema - Addressinfo
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
addressline1 | Yes | STRING |
addressline2 | Yes | STRING |
addressline3 | Yes | STRING |
areaCode | Yes | STRING |
city | Yes | STRING |
county | Yes | STRING |
mobileNo | Yes | STRING |
phoneNo1 | Yes | STRING |
phoneNo2 | Yes | STRING |
poBoxNumber | Yes | STRING |
zipCode | Yes | STRING |
addressCode | Yes | STRING |
cultureCode | Yes | STRING |
extenstionNo1 | Yes | STRING |
extenstionNo2 | Yes | STRING |
faxNo | Yes | STRING |
fullAddress | Yes | STRING |
iSDCode | Yes | STRING |
latitude | Yes | STRING |
longitude | Yes | STRING |
countryInfo | Yes | Countryinfo Schema | Reference to countryInfo schema | Foreign Key |
stateInfo | Yes | Stateinfo Schema | Reference to stateInfo schema | Foreign Key |
Integerernal Schema - Locationorgentity
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
culture | Yes | STRING |
displayName | Yes | STRING |
entityCode | Yes | STRING |
entityDetailDescription | Yes | STRING |
entityDetailName | Yes | STRING |
entityId | Yes | INTEGER |
entityName | Yes | STRING |
entityType | Yes | STRING |
id | Yes | STRING |
level | Yes | INTEGER |
lobCode | Yes | STRING |
lobName | Yes | STRING |
parentEntity | Yes | STRING |
parentEntityCode | Yes | STRING |
version | Yes | STRING |
entityDetailCode | Yes | INTEGER |
parentEntityDetailCode | Yes | INTEGER |
lobEntityDetailCode | Yes | INTEGER |
associationType | Yes | STRING |
documentLevelConfiguration | Yes | STRING |
parentOrgEntityDetails | Yes | Parentorgentitydetails Array Schema | Array of parentOrgEntityDetails schema | Foreign Key |
Integerernal Schema - Tradingpartnertype
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
code | Yes | STRING |
name | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Duplicationdetails
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
score | Yes | INTEGER |
documentId | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Stakeholder
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isReassigned | Yes | BOOLEAN |
clientContactCode | Yes | STRING |
companyName | Yes | STRING |
contactCode | Yes | INTEGER |
createdBy | Yes | STRING |
createdOn | No | DATETIME |
cultureCode | Yes | STRING |
defaultCurrencyCode | Yes | STRING |
emailAddress | Yes | STRING |
firstName | Yes | STRING |
fullName | Yes | STRING |
lastName | Yes | STRING |
mobileNo | Yes | STRING |
timeZone | Yes | STRING |
typeOfUser | Yes | INTEGER |
userId | Yes | INTEGER |
userName | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Accountingdetails
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
entity11 | Yes | Entity11 Schema | Reference to entity11 schema | Foreign Key |
entity10 | Yes | Entity10 Schema | Reference to entity10 schema | Foreign Key |
Integerernal Schema - Auditfields
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
createdBy | Yes | STRING |
createdDateTime | Yes | STRING |
modifiedBy | Yes | STRING |
modifiedDateTime | Yes | STRING |
transactionScopeId | Yes | STRING |
ver | Yes | INTEGER |
Integerernal Schema - Category
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
clientCode | Yes | STRING |
gepId | Yes | Guid | Category id of category code is gep system |
parentId | Yes | string |
description | Yes | STRING | Description of category code |
name | Yes | STRING |
id | Yes | INTEGER |
parentClientCode | Yes | STRING |
gpnClientCode | Yes | STRING |
isDisabled | Yes | BOOLEAN |
classification | Yes | STRING |
childCount | Yes | INTEGER |
level | Yes | INTEGER |
Integerernal Schema - Createdby
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isReassigned | Yes | BOOLEAN |
clientContactCode | Yes | STRING |
companyName | Yes | STRING |
contactCode | Yes | INTEGER |
createdBy | Yes | STRING |
createdOn | No | DATETIME |
cultureCode | Yes | STRING |
defaultCurrencyCode | Yes | STRING |
emailAddress | Yes | STRING |
firstName | Yes | STRING |
fullName | Yes | STRING |
lastName | Yes | STRING |
mobileNo | Yes | STRING |
timeZone | Yes | STRING |
typeOfUser | Yes | INTEGER |
userId | Yes | INTEGER |
userName | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Customattributes
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
scErpPrNumber | Yes | STRING |
scErpPoNumber | Yes | STRING |
localReferenceNumber | Yes | STRING |
sourceReference | Yes | STRING |
localContentPercentage | Yes | INTEGER |
subledger | Yes | STRING |
voucherGlOffset | Yes | STRING |
workTicketNumber | Yes | STRING |
deferredAmount | Yes | STRING |
voucherAbCatCode7 | Yes | Voucherabcatcode7 Schema | Reference to voucherAbCatCode7 schema | Foreign Key |
specialClassificationCode | Yes | Specialclassificationcode Schema | Reference to specialClassificationCode schema | Foreign Key |
ncmCode | Yes | Ncmcode Schema | Reference to ncmCode schema | Foreign Key |
litaxExplCode | Yes | Litaxexplcode Schema | Reference to litaxExplCode schema | Foreign Key |
lipurchasingTaxable | Yes | Lipurchasingtaxable Schema | Reference to lipurchasingTaxable schema | Foreign Key |
withholdingTaxCodeVoucherAbCatcode7 | Yes | Withholdingtaxcodevoucherabcatcode7 Schema | Reference to withholdingTaxCodeVoucherAbCatcode7 schema | Foreign Key |
litaxratearea | Yes | Litaxratearea Schema | Reference to litaxratearea schema | Foreign Key |
Integerernal Schema - Fulfillmentdocumentlinedetails
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
unitPrice | Yes | Decimal | Contains unit price of line from fulfillment document line |
quantity | Yes | decimal | Contains quantity of line from fulfillment document line |
lineNumber | Yes | STRING | Contains line number from which service confirmation is created |
fulfillmentUniqueReferenceNumber | Yes | STRING | Contains document number from which sc is created |
fulfillmentUniqueLineReferenceNumber | Yes | STRING | Contains unique Line number of Fulfillment document from which SC is created |
fulfillmentDocumentLineDetailsId | Yes | STRING | Contains Unique Line Id of fulfillment from which SC is created |
documentName | Yes | STRING | Contains Name of fulfillment document |
documentNumber | Yes | STRING | Contains Number of fulfillment document |
documentId | Yes | STRING | Contains Unique Id of fulfillment document |
lineItemNumber | Yes | STRING | Contains Line Item Number from which SC is created |
Integerernal Schema – Itemsource
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
code | Yes | STRING |
description | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema – Linetype(Tells whether a line is Service Type or Material Type)
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
appCodeId | Yes | INTEGER |
clientCode | Yes | STRING |
codeType | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | Integer | Service or Material Type Line in code format |
description | Yes | STRING | Contains Service or Material Type Line as string form |
id | Yes | STRING |
name | Yes | STRING | Contains Service or Material Type Line as string form |
source | Yes | STRING |
status | Yes | STRING |
version | Yes | INTEGER |
Integerernal Schema – Modifiedby( contains user details of modified user)
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isReassigned | Yes | BOOLEAN |
clientContactCode | Yes | STRING |
companyName | Yes | STRING |
contactCode | Yes | INTEGER |
createdBy | Yes | STRING |
createdOn | No | DATETIME |
cultureCode | Yes | STRING |
defaultCurrencyCode | Yes | STRING |
emailAddress | Yes | STRING |
firstName | Yes | STRING |
fullName | Yes | STRING |
lastName | Yes | STRING |
mobileNo | Yes | STRING |
timeZone | Yes | STRING |
typeOfUser | Yes | INTEGER |
userId | Yes | INTEGER |
userName | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema – Pricebasis(Contains details if a line is rate based, amount based etc.)
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
appCodeId | Yes | INTEGER |
clientCode | Yes | STRING |
codeType | Yes | STRING |
code | Yes | STRING | Represent price basis is code format( 0 for material etc.) |
description | Yes | STRING | Represents price basis in descriptive format(like Rate, Amount) |
id | Yes | STRING |
name | Yes | STRING | Represents price basis in descriptive format(like Rate, Amount) |
source | Yes | STRING |
status | Yes | STRING |
version | Yes | INTEGER |
Integerernal Schema - Pricebooklinedetails
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
priceBookNumber | Yes | STRING | Price Book Number from where line is added |
priceBookLineNumber | Yes | STRING | Price Book Line Number which is added on SC |
startDate | Yes | STRING | Date from which the price book line is valid from |
expiryDate | Yes | STRING | Date from which price book line is expired from |
Integerernal Schema - Requestor
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isReassigned | Yes | BOOLEAN |
clientContactCode | Yes | STRING |
firstName | Yes | STRING |
lastName | Yes | STRING |
companyName | Yes | STRING |
contactCode | Yes | INTEGER |
createdBy | Yes | STRING |
createdOn | Yes | STRING |
cultureCode | Yes | STRING |
defaultCurrencyCode | Yes | STRING |
emailAddress | Yes | STRING |
mobileNo | Yes | STRING |
timeZone | Yes | STRING |
userId | Yes | INTEGER |
userName | Yes | STRING |
typeOfUser | Yes | INTEGER |
fullName | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Shipfromaddress
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
addressCode | Yes | STRING |
contactEmail | Yes | STRING |
contactName | Yes | STRING |
contactPhone | Yes | STRING |
locationId | Yes | Guid |
locationName | Yes | STRING |
locationNumber | Yes | STRING |
locationOrgEntityCode | Yes | STRING |
partyCode | Yes | STRING |
addressInfo | Yes | Addressinfo Schema | Reference to addressInfo schema | Foreign Key |
locationOrgEntity | Yes | Locationorgentity Schema | Reference to locationOrgEntity schema | Foreign Key |
Integerernal Schema - Shiptoaddress
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
isAdhoc | Yes | BOOLEAN |
addressCode | Yes | STRING |
contactEmail | Yes | STRING |
contactPhone | Yes | STRING |
contactName | Yes | STRING |
locationId | Yes | Guid |
locationName | Yes | STRING |
locationNumber | Yes | STRING |
locationOrgEntityCode | Yes | STRING |
addressInfo | Yes | Addressinfo Schema | Reference to addressInfo schema | Foreign Key |
tradingPartnerType | Yes | Tradingpartnertype Schema | Reference to tradingPartnerType schema | Foreign Key |
locationOrgEntity | Yes | Locationorgentity Schema | Reference to locationOrgEntity schema | Foreign Key |
Integerernal Schema - Sourcedocumentlinedetails
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
rootDocumentId | Yes | Guid |
documentNumber | Yes | STRING | Document number of source document from which service confirmation is created |
documentName | Yes | STRING | Document name of source document from which service confirmation is created |
documentId | Yes | Guid | Document Id of source document from which SC is created |
documentSubTypeAppId | Yes | STRING |
documentSubTypeAppName | Yes | STRING |
rootLineId | Yes | STRING |
lineId | Yes | Guid | Unique Line Id Line in Source document |
documentType | Yes | INTEGER |
erpNumber | Yes | STRING |
erpLineNumber | Yes | STRING |
Integerernal Schema - Splititems
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
description | Yes | STRING | Description of the split |
lineItemNumber | Yes | INTEGER | Line number the split belongs to |
otherCharges | Yes | decimal |
quantity | Yes | decimal | Quantity of the split |
lineDetailsId | Yes | guid | Id of line the split belongs to |
documentId | Yes | guid | Id of the document the split belongs to |
splitNumber | Yes | STRING | Number to identify split |
splitItemTotal | Yes | decimal | Total Amount of the split |
unitPrice | Yes | decimal | Unit Price of the split which is same as lines unit price |
shippingCharges | Yes | decimal |
isSplitRow | Yes | BOOLEAN |
taxes | Yes | decimal | Tax amount of the split |
percentage | Yes | Decimal | Percentage this split contributes to the total amount of the line |
splitItemSubTotal | Yes | decimal | Total Amount of split without tax |
splitType | Yes | Splittype Schema | Reference to splitType schema | Foreign Key |
accountingDetails | Yes | Accountingdetails Schema | Reference to accountingDetails schema | Foreign Key |
errorDetails | Yes | ARRAY |
Integerernal Schema - Uom
Property | Required? | Data Type | Description | Validations / Exceptions |
code | Yes | STRING | Contains the uom code which is a unique identifer |
culture | Yes | STRING |
uomType | Yes | STRING |
description | Yes | STRING | Contains the description of the uom code |
id | Yes | guid |
allowDecimal | Yes | BOOLEAN | Indicates whether decimals are allowed for this uom |
decimalPrecision | Yes | INTEGER | Specifies how many decimal places are allowed for the quantity |
version | Yes | INTEGER |
standardCode | Yes | STRING |